List of fruits in kharif season
Guavas fruits in kharif are rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, with moderate levels of folic acid ( Vitamin B9) .Both climate tropical and subtropical will be suitable for Guava. June July is the best time for plantation of guava. There are different different Varieties of guava are Allahabad Safeda, Lucknow Safeda, Apple Colour, Chittidar, Red Fleshed, Allahabad Surkha, Sardar, Mirzapuri Seedless etc.
Crop is harvested in August in rainy season, while the winter season crop is harvested in November-December.Guava plant start giving fruits at 2-3 years and after 10 years guava reaching full bearing with producing 100 to 150 kg of fruit every year
In 2019, World production of guavas was 55 million tonnes, led by India with 45% of the total ..

Health Benefits of Guava Fruits and Guava Leaves
Boost Heart Health with Guava fruits
Guava fruit or leaf extract may have a positive effect on heart health by lowering blood pressure, lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol.
Benefits for Your Digestive System
Consuming guavas or guava leaf extract may prevent or reduce diarrhea and constipation.
Guava helps to boost your immunity
Guavas are one of the richest food sources of vitamin C. Maintaining adequate levels of this vitamin is important for protecting against illness and infections.
Eating Guavas May Be Good for Your Skin
The antioxidants and vitamins in guavas can help slow down the aging of your skin, while guava leaf extract may help treat acne.
Papaya is a common tropical fruit with high nutritional value and It is a member of the Caricaceae family(कैरिसेसी परिवार). India is the world’s leading papaya grower. Some of Major growing state in India are Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal, Orissa, Jammu and Kashmir, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, the Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh .
Papaya is a tropical fruit that thrives in mild sub-tropical climates. During the winter season, temperatures below 12-14 degrees Celsius for numerous hours have a significant impact on its development and productivity.
Health Benefits of Papaya
Papaya has Anticancer Properties
Early research suggests that the antioxidants in papaya may reduce the risk of cancer and even slow its progression.
May Improve Heart Health
Papaya’s high vitamin C and lycopene content can improve heart health and may reduce your risk of heart disease.
Protects against skin damage
The powerful antioxidants in papaya can help your skin recover from sun damage and may defend against wrinkling.
Bananas and plantains constitute a major staple food crop for millions of people in developing countries. Bananas used for cooking represent the main cultivar in many tropical countries. Banana is the second most important fruit crop of India and it is available whole year in market. The major State in India where Banana producing are Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Assam, where Maharashtra has the highest productivity.
Banana obtain maximum shelf life, harvest comes before the fruit is mature so must be transported over long distances from the tropics to world markets. In 2017, world production of bananas and plantains combined was 153 million tones, led by India and China with a combined total of 27% of global production.
Based Health Benefits of Bananas
Improve blood sugar level
Bananas are rich in soluble fiber. During digestion, soluble fiber dissolves in liquid and forms a gel. This is also what gives bananas their spongy texture. Raw bananas also contain resistant starch that your body cannot digest. Together, these two types of fiber can moderate blood sugar levels after a meal. Additionally, they can help control your appetite by slowing stomach emptying. This means that despite their higher carbohydrate content, bananas do not cause large spikes in blood sugar in healthy people. However, while people with diabetes can enjoy bananas, it is not recommended to consume large portions in one sitting.
Improve Kidney health
Potassium is important for healthy kidney function and blood pressure regulation. As a great source of dietary potassium, bananas can be very beneficial when it comes to keeping your kidneys healthy. A study involving more than 5,000 people with early-stage chronic kidney disease linked potassium to lower blood pressure and slower progression of kidney disease. On the other hand, some people with end-stage kidney disease or people on dialysis need to limit their potassium intake. If you fall into one of these categories, talk to your healthcare team before increasing your potassium intake.
Banana support exercise recovery
Bananas are sometimes called the perfect food for athletes. This is largely due to their content of easily digestible carbohydrates as well as the minerals potassium and magnesium, both of which act as electrolytes. During intense exercise, you lose electrolytes through sweat. Replenishment of potassium and magnesium in the body after sweating, such as by eating a banana, can reduce muscle cramps and soreness during exercise. However, specific research on the effects of bananas on exercise, cramping, and post-exercise recovery is lacking. However, bananas provide excellent nutrition before, during and after exercise
Orange grown that grown on a tree which can reach upto 10m of height.The orange is a hybrid between pomelo (चकोतरा) and mandarin . Orange fruits rich Vitamins like C, A ,B and phosphorous . Orange trees are widely grown in tropical and subtropical climates for their sweet fruit and trees have dark green shiny leaves and small white flower with five petals.
The production of orange have excellent value in all over the world. In the Production of orange India is coming on forth position all over the world . After apple and banana, Orange is the most high productivity in India.
Important Benefits of Orange

Oranges are antioxidant superstars
The flavonoid antioxidants in oranges provide anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial effects. It also protects against oxidative stress, which is actually an imbalance between the production of cell-damaging free radicals and the body’s ability to resist their harmful effects. The antioxidants in oranges can also protect your mental health. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a higher intake of flavonoids may be associated with a lower risk of depression, especially in older women. Higher intake of flavonoids is also associated with prevention of weight gain and reduction of body fat.
Orange peels have health benefits, too
Health-protecting nutrients aren’t just found in oranges and orange juice; they are also leather. Research shows that the flavonoids in citrus peels can help prevent cancer cells from reproducing, growing, and spreading, as well as promoting apoptosis, the self-destructive process the body uses to kill dysfunctional cells. An older study at the University of Arizona concluded that eating one tablespoon of citrus fruits per week can reduce the risk of squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer by 30%. A certain compound called herperidin found in orange peel has also been shown to protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. If you eat citrus peel, choose organic oranges to reduce your exposure to pesticide residues. Use a grater to grate the outer skin, avoiding the more bitter white pith. Add orange juice to homemade salad dressing or as a garnish to oatmeal, fruit salad and avocado toast on roasted vegetables, quinoa, stir-fries and desserts.