Sugarcane Plant
Sugarcane is a tropical plant that is grown around the world to produce refined sugar, sugarcane juice, and medicine for a variety of ailments. Many types of sugar products are made from sugar cane
Sugarcane juice is one of the purest forms of sugarcane, except for the stalk of the plant itself, and retains the natural vitamins and minerals of the plant.
Sugarcane has been cultivated in India and other parts of Southeast Asia for thousands of years and has been used as a common remedy for various ailments in the Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine. Do not use natural sugarcane and its derivatives for healing
Production of Sugarcane
India has the largest area under sugarcane cultivation in the world and is the second largest sugarcane producer in the world after Brazil. Sugarcane production recorded an impressive growth of 93% during the decade 1951-1961 due to various agricultural reforms, but this growth slowed down to a growth of 14.9% between 1960-61 and 1970-71, mainly in ‘due to the removal of farmers. of land under sugarcane due to changes in the real estate market. However, production began to increase again with the establishment of sugar factories in the decade 1971-1981 and the growth rate was 22%. Sugarcane production peaked at 299.3 million tons in 1999-2000, after which a trend was observed. In the year 2003-2004, the production of sugarcane in India reached 236.4 million tonnes.
As with production, the area under sugarcane grew rapidly from 1.7 million hectares in 1950-51 to 4.1 million hectares in 1998-99, after which the sugarcane area grew at a slower pace. In fact, the area under sugarcane grew from 4.4 million hectares in 2002-03 to 4.0 million hectares in 2003-04.

Sugarcane yield doubled in four decades, from just 33 tons/hectare in 1950-51 to 65 tons/hectare in 1990-91. The trend of increasing yield continued until 1997-98 when it stopped at 71 tonnes/hectare. The yield remained at this high level for three consecutive years from 1997-98 to 1999-2000. After that, the yield fell rapidly and remained at 59 tonne/hectare only in 2003-04.
A possible cause of this rapid failure may be the depletion of land or the lack of input at this time. Our products are unmatched by some of the best in the world. For example, countries like Indonesia, Egypt and Mexico produce about 50% more sugarcane/hectare than India. Lack of fertilisers, uncertain weather conditions, inadequate irrigation, poor quality sugarcane, small and fragmented farms and fish farming methods are some of the reasons for low yield. seeds in India.
Health Advantages from Sugarcane
Sugarcane can be used to treat cancer
Cancer can be caused by damage caused by free radicals. A 2019 Chinnadurai study suggests that sugarcane juice is high in calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, and antioxidants. Drinking sugarcane juice daily can provide the body with enough antioxidants and minerals to help trap and remove these free radicals from the body.
Therefore, it can help fight cancer, especially skin, breast, and prostate cancer.3 However, more human research is needed to prove that sugar cane can be used against cancer. Cancer is a serious disease. Therefore, it requires proper diagnosis and treatment.
Sugarcane can be used for healthy liver
Unani medicine suggests that sugarcane juice can be beneficial for patients suffering from jaundice and other liver diseases. When consumed regularly, sugarcane juice can calm the stomach and provide instant relief from jaundice. Also, sugarcane juice can help regulate bilirubin levels in the liver, which can reduce liver pressure and improve liver function.
Therefore, these reduced bilirubin levels may be beneficial to the liver.2,3 However, more human studies are needed to prove the benefits of sugarcane for the liver. If you have jaundice, consult a doctor and take appropriate treatment. Do not self-medicate.
Sugarcane Also be used for Healthy kidney
Sugarcane juice can have a diuretic effect. It can increase the production of urine and help to clean and empty the colon. Also, drinking coconut water and lime juice daily can help reduce hot flashes associated with urinary tract infections.
Therefore, sugarcane juice can help improve kidney function.2 However, more human studies are needed to determine the benefits of sugarcane for the kidneys. If you have kidney problems, consult a specialist and get proper treatment.
Sugarcane also For Skin
Many people think that sugar is bad for the skin without understanding why. This belief is wrong to some extent, as some scientists show that one of the best health benefits of cane sugar helps you grow.
The presence of glycolic acid in sugarcane is very effective in protecting your skin from bacterial infections that can cause problems, such as blemishes. Additionally, sugarcane will help balance your skin’s pH level and prevent excess oil.
Sugarcane can Improve the condition of the teeth
Another great benefit of sugarcane is to improve the condition of your teeth, because sugarcane can remove bacteria that accumulate in the mouth. Because of this, candy cane can be used as a mouthwash, and many people use it to brush their teeth daily to protect their teeth.
Sugarcane can improve brain function
Have you ever heard that sweet food can make you smarter? This can be learned from experience, but scientists also understand this to some extent. When consumed, sugar cane can instantly energize our body and stimulate the muscles to work better and faster. Therefore, the process of transferring information to the brain is improved. In addition, the variety of nutrients in sugar cane can provide great support for our brain function.
Sugar also helps for fight Against flu
Fighting the immune system and its troublesome symptoms is one of the best health benefits of cane sugar. When you drink a glass of sugarcane juice, it can eliminate the bacteria that cause sore throat and improve your health to help your body fight the infection.
Sugarcane can be the best natural home remedies
Sugarcane juice is one of the best home remedies to speed up the healing process of a wound or injury. Due to the abundance of vitamins and nutrients, our immune system will become stronger in a short time, which will reduce pain and improve the growth of new cells in our body.