About carrot
Carrots are a cool-season crop filled in spring. They are a fantastic wellspring of vitamin An and add tone to a feast. They can be served cooked or crude.
This well known vegetable has a characteristic pleasantness — particularly the local carrot on the grounds that the sugar that makes a carrot sweet starts to be supplanted by fiber as it ages in the supermarkets.
Additionally, the home grounds-keeper has such countless more assortments to develop from Belgium Whites to Purple Mythical beast to Parisian legacies that are round! (Not all carrots are the supermarket shape.) as a matter of fact, don’t anticipate getting entirely straight “supermarket” carrots. Your carrots will in any case taste better, whatever their shape!
Carrots have a standing of being hard to develop, particularly in weighty, compacted soil. In any case, with just enough exertion, you can to be sure develop carrots.

Important facts Carrots are a winter crop that can be grown in the winter and left in the ground all summer to be harvested in the fall. Carrots grow best in well-drained sandy soil that does not have too much moisture and has a pH between 5.5 and 7.0. They need full sun for good rotation, but will tolerate partial shade. The optimum temperature for their development is between 16 and 24°C (61-74°F).
Carrot plants are incredibly tender and hot, bright weather conditions can kill the plant although temperatures below 10°C (50°C) result in long, bright roots. getting better. Plants also need plenty of water and natural resources. In fact, carrots do well in bed, and can be put into bed. Carrot seeding is usually direct seeding and should be started 3 to 5 weeks before the least frost date in your area. The soil should be prepared before planting by removing stones and separating any hard bones of the soil to a depth of about 30 cm (12 in). Fertilizing the soil before planting is also beneficial. Try not to add fresh compost as this can cause rotting. Sow the seeds 6 mm (0.25 in) deep, leaving 5 cm (center) between the seeds and about 30 cm (1 ft) apart. By the time the seedlings are 2.5cm (1in) tall, cut them down to the last 7.5cm (in the middle) and split between the plants using scissors – this is to try not to damage the roots of the plant .
General consideration and support
General consideration and support Carrots benefit from a copious dampness supply and ought to be furnished with 2.5 cm (1 in) of water every week. Mulching around the plants assists with monitoring dampness and diminish weeds. Any weeds developing around the plants ought to be painstakingly eliminated. The plants ought to be treated 5 a month and a half after the seeds are planted.
Collecting Carrots are for the most part prepared to reap after around 2-3 months when the roots have arrived at 1.3 cm (0.5 in) in width. Permitting the carrots to remain in the ground for somewhere around one ice makes them better however care ought to be taken to reap before the ground freezes or to cover the plants to forestall freezing.
Carrots are gathered by delicately digging around the plant to uncover the highest point of the root and tenderly, yet immovably pulling the root from the dirt by getting a handle on the highest point of the carrot simply over the root.
Carrot tops ought to be curved off and the roots washed preceding refrigeration in sealed shut sacks. Carrots may likewise be put away in soggy sand to keep them new preceding use.
Health Benefits of carrot
Boost eye health
Are you or your kid battling with unfortunate vision? Carrots to the salvage! Carrots have been viewed as the secure customary solution for further develop visual perception. As per the book Recuperating food varieties carrots are wealthy in lutein and lycopene which assist with keeping up with great visual perception and night vision. The high measure of vitamin A likewise helps support a sound vision.
It is good for diabetics
Carbohydrates in carrots are mainly starch and sugars such as sucrose and glucose. The glycemic index of raw carrots is the lowest and increases when mixed carrots with the highest GI are used. They also provide good fiber. Low GI foods that provide fiber are a good addition for diabetics in their diet contrary to the common belief that carrots are bad for them. It is good for diabetics Carbohydrates in carrots are mostly starch and sugars like sucrose and glucose. The glycemic index of raw carrots is the lowest and increases when mixed carrots with the highest GI are used. They also provide good fiber. Low GI foods that provide fiber are a good addition for diabetics in their diet contrary to the common belief that carrots are bad for them.
A source of vitamin A
Beta-carotene in carrots is converted into vitamin A in our body. Vitamin A is essential for growth, reproduction and a strong immune system. A lack of vitamin A can cause night blindness and vision loss. Beta-carotene and alpha-carotene in carrots act as powerful antioxidants in our body. We all know that antioxidants are important for reducing the risk of many diseases, including heart and cancer. Vitamin A is also important for our skin
Cancer prevention
Studies have shown that carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer. Researchers have identified falcarinol and falcarindiol which they believe to be the source of anti-cancer properties. Falcarinol is a natural pesticide from carrots that protects its roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are one of the only sources of this compound. One study showed a 1/3 lower cancer risk in mice that ate carrots.
Prevent heart disease
Research shows that a diet high in carotenoids is associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Carrots contain not only beta-carotene, but also alpha-carotene and lutein. Eating carrots regularly lowers cholesterol levels because the soluble fiber in carrots binds to bile acids.
Good teeth and gums
It’s all in chaos! Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They remove plaque and food debris like toothbrushes or toothpaste. Carrot stimulates the gums and stimulates a lot of saliva, which is alkaline, balances the acid formation, bacteria that create cavities. The minerals in carrots prevent tooth decay.