Muskmelon or Kharbooja, likewise called as “Madhuphala” in Ayurveda is a supplement rich natural product. Muskmelon seeds are likewise wealthy in supplements and have been utilized for different culinary purposes.
It is a gainful summer natural product as it has cooling and diuretic properties that assistance to keep the body hydrated as well as kill poisons from the body.
Eating Muskmelon could assist with overseeing circulatory strain as it is wealthy in potassium which assists with loosening up the veins and further develop blood stream. Because of the great substance of L-ascorbic acid in Muskmelon,
it works on the safe framework. Muskmelon can be remembered for the day to day diet to aid weight reduction as it is low in calories and high in fiber. Besides, it is likewise gainful for eye wellbeing because of its high vitamin A substance.
Muskmelon is valuable for the skin as it is wealthy in cell reinforcements. Applying Muskmelon glue alongside honey assists with disposing of kinks and gives the skin a characteristic gleam.
Eating Muskmelon in abundance ought to be stayed away from as it would disturb your stomach

Time to grow muskmelon
Muskmelon is grown from late November to late February, and our Indian growers produce different varieties at different times of the year. Muskmelons can grow well in temperatures between 180 ° C and 25 ° C and temperatures below 12 ° C. Plant development can be hindered by poor quality and muskmelons can withstand temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius among different species.
Varieties of Muskmelon
Melon has green flesh
• Gaul. 65 days. Very sweet, fragrant. Large organic products around 2 to 2½ pounds, received strength; yellow skin, green flesh, small nucleus. An over-producer; fills well in casings or in nurseries. Nice carry knife. To pass.
• Jenny Lind. Day 75. Soft, sweet, sweet; important point. Small organic stock, hand-picked at the end of the flower, 5 to 6 creeps wide, 1½ to 2 pound gauges; the skin is green and red and red and red; light green fabric. Released in 1846. Open pollination.
• Identity. 73 days. Large, 6 to 7 ramps wide; blue skin; the dark brown flesh turns green and white in the middle. Perennials tolerate anthracnose and the curse of the bright tree. cross group
• Be gentle. Day 85. Sweet, sweet without a musky taste. The round skin weighs 3 to 4 pounds, obtained modestly, with a hot head; the skin is green and yellow then, at this time, orange-yellow when ready; Lime green fabric. The plant is generous and productive. Half half.
Honey melons
• Honey. 95-115 days. Sweet, sweet. Organic products oval 7-8 inches in diameter, 7 ramps in diameter, weighing about 6 kilograms normal; smooth-skinned ivory, without nets; extremely sweet green light sweet skin, small fruit depression, skin strength, good mood and dry environment, great potential. It is good for reducing fusarium. Combination.
• first dew. Day 80. Soft, soft. Approximately 5 to 6 wide creepers, 2½ to 3 lbs. checking; fully developed golden-green smooth skin; lime green fabric. Perennial plants thrive in areas with short seasons. Phenomenal for nurseries. It is good for reducing fusarium. half half,
• Infusion of honey. 90 days. Focused happiness. The green skin is soft, thick; thick green cloth. high efficiency; strong immune system. Métis. • morning dew. 96 days. So sweet. Large organic elliptical, 10 to 12 pound gauge; cloth, green. Tree of life; Fusarium dieback, good compaction and no damage to wool. For a long time. Half half
Different types of melons:
• Casaba Golden Beauty. 110 days. Sweet and fragrant, fragrant. Oval fit organic with yellow shiny well wrinkred skin, 7 to 8 pounds; white eggs. Suitable for storage. Fills the hot spot well. Pollinization libre.
• Crenshaw. 90-115 days. special taste, sweet taste. A natural product of a small oval close to the end of the stem, which looks like a spear; 6 to 6½ creep in size, 8 to 10 inches long, weighing 6 to 10 pounds; pink salmon eggs. Looking for a long time to warm up. Fire is useful wood. Open pollination. • Honeyshaw. 85 days. Sweet. Crenshaw medium type, 7 to 10 inches long, yellow, leathery; pink salmon eggs. Before this time will be produced. Combination. • Marygold. 88-92. It’s very sweet. Small Casaba type, bright yellow wrinkred skin, weighs 3 and a half kilograms; green and white fabric. The producer is warm and attractive. Overall great performance. A flying object. Cross group.
Melon Growing Success Tips:
Establishment time. All melons require a development time of approximately 100 days without ice. Plant melons after the soil warms up to 70 ° to 80 ° F. To start the season, start sowing seeds between 2 and about a month before moving to the nursery. Planting seeds. Grow melons in full sun and plenty of air. Melons should be kept warm and dry to prevent disease and grow faster and further. Grow free-range melons in poor, organic soil. Prepare to establish a bed with mature food and remove it with fertilizer during the growing season. Grow melons on a slope: 4 to 6 feet apart for muskmelons, 6 to 12 feet apart for watermelons. Light up to 2-3 melons for each slope or less.
Management. Mulch to control weeds. Water to keep the melon moist; Do not allow dirt to dry after being transported or created from natural products. Male flowers will appear first, followed by female flowers. Fertilize tea melons when the natural products grow and again about fourteen days later. Try not to let new flowers start after mid-summer; let the plant focus its development efforts on organic products that can be developed before the end of the summer climate.
Benefits of Muskmelon

Strengthen the immune system
This summer product is surprisingly ready to improve your immune system and protect you from sometimes cruel diseases like the flu. It is possible that melon has a high level of L-ascorbic acid, which is good for your weak body. In addition, the ability of L-Ascorbic acid to act as a cell energizer can shake the free radicals as a possible cause of many diseases, including chronic ones.
Prevent disease
As mentioned earlier, Muskmelon is enriched with cellular support from vitamin An and L-Ascorbic acid. Anti-cancer agents are powerful in fighting cancer cells. As we can know, the main cause of the disease is still held by people who are independent because of poor lifestyle and diet. In this way, by preventing bad diseases, we really need nutritious foods like muskmelon, but we also need to do things in our lives. One of the things we can do to prevent disease is the health benefits of walking for an hour a day. A little red irritation
The nutrients in muskmelon, especially potassium, are good for lowering blood pressure. In this sense, you can avoid some diseases related to high blood pressure such as high blood pressure, respiratory failure, stroke and other heart diseases. Similarly, cantaloupe also boasts a compound called adenosine that can help heart health by preventing blood clots in the cardiovascular system. L-ascorbic acid can also prevent the stability of the body wall which can cause high blood pressure.
It is good for diabetics
One of the health benefits of muskmelon is that it is safe and recommended for people suffering from diabetes. This can be thought because muskmelon has a low glycemic balance and fructose or sugar muskmelon which is suitable for diabetes. Therefore, cantaloupe can be a healthy and tasty food for people suffering from diabetes.