Cumin is a notable verdant plant, experimentally known as Cuminucum cyminum and it has a place with the Apiaceae family. Cumin seeds are the products of this plant that are widely utilized in culinary practices in India and other Asian, African, and Latin American nations. Aside from cumin seeds and its ground powder, cumin medicinal ointment is additionally utilized in recipes as a result of areas of strength for its.
It has a seriously solid flavor thus just a limited quantity of giving them a strong punch is sufficient. Both cumin seeds and the natural oil contain significant supplements that can assist with keeping you sound.
Cumin is one of the essential spices used in everyday cooking, especially in Indian cuisines. Be it the final touch of seasoning of the humble lentil soup or that secret spice paste bursting with flavor for that special dinner meal, cumin seeds are a must-add! Having said that, it might come as a surprise that there could be side effects of cumin as well!
While cumin offers a ton of health benefits along with its refreshing flavor, there are certain things you need to be aware of, before using cumin too much. Wondering what and how? Fret not, we have done all the research and summed it all up for you in this article! Read on to know more about the side effects of cumin seeds to enjoy them to their best potential.
Description and cultivation of plants
A small, thin, hairless herbaceous annual of the parsley family. It reaches 25 cm (10 in) (some species can be twice as long) and collapses under its own weight. The green leaves are divided into blue lines and bear white or pink flowers in small umbels. Cumin is grown from seeds. Warm climates are best, but can be grown in colder areas if started under glass in the spring. Sandy soil is best; When the seedlings are strong, carefully transplant them to a sunny spot, planting 15 cm (6 in.) apart. Sow seeds regularly. The plant blooms in June and July. Plants are usually ready four months after planting. Cut the plant when the fruit is brown, dry and dry like other umbelliers.
Nutritional value of cumin (Jeera) per 100 g
Discover the nutritional value of cumin seeds, 2 tablespoons of cumin is enough to add flavor to your dishes. The various nutrients in cumin seeds are energy (375 kcal per 100 grams), carbohydrates (44.24 g per 100 grams), protein (17.8 g per 100 grams), fat (22.7 g per 100 grams), dietary fiber (10.5 per 100 grams). 100 grams), vitamins. such as folate (10 mcg per 100 grams), niacin (4.58 mg per 100 grams), pyridoxine (0.435 mg per 100 grams), riboflavin (0.32 mg per 100 grams), thiamin (0.628 mg per 100 grams), vitamin A ( 1270 IU per 100 grams), vitamin C (7.7 mg per 100 grams), vitamin E (3.3 mg per 100 grams), vitamin K (5.4 μg per 100 grams). Cumin seeds also contain sodium (1788 mg per 100 grams), potassium (68 mg per 100 grams). In minerals, it contains calcium (931 mg per 100 grams), copper (0.867 mg per 100 grams), iron (66.36 mg per 100 grams), magnesium (366 mg per 100 grams), manganese (3.3 mg per 100 grams). , phosphorus (499 mg per 100 grams). Zinc (4.8 mg per 100 grams). In the food of the python, it contains carotene-ß (762 mcg per 100 grams) and lutein-zeaxanthin (448 mcg per 100 grams).

Health Benefits of Cumin
A good source of antioxidants
Nine types of anti-cancer properties are found in cumin which include manganese, copper, zinc, selenium, vitamin E, L-ascorbic acid, lutein, nutrient B9 and beta carotene. It has antimicrobial and antiparasitic properties that are important for reducing fever. It reduces oxidative stress and prevents disease. Cumin is also used to treat diseases like vitiligo and high blood sugar.
Antimicrobial action
A refreshing cream isolated from the organic cumin product inhibits the movement of yeasts and dermatophytes nearby. Part of 5 ml. eliminated this disease called Trichophyton rubrum. It is less covered for plant diseases.
Cancer prevention
The study suggests that the presence of chemopreventive properties helps to resolve the dissolution of the carcinogen. 79% HeLa cells were killed by a concentration of 0.1 mL/mL. Cytotoxic activity is produced by cell-strengthening motion. By the time the subchronic poisoning was conducted on mice, it showed a decrease in white blood cells by 25.55%, hemoglobin, hematocrit by 14.24% and platelet count increased by 108.81%.
Gastroprotective action
Cumin supplements increase the release of neurotransmitters from the cholinergic system. It concentrates and increases gastric corrosive gas in the stomach side of ibuprofen which destroys the upper mucosa.
Nephroprotective action
Cumin seed concentrate provides protection against gentamicin-dependent nephrotoxicity. The use of 200 mg/kg of cumin reduces gentamicin and high urea levels, lipid peroxidation, creatinine and increased free urea and creatinine.
Antidiabetic drug with antihyperlipidemic/antihypercholesterolemic action
Cumin powder reduces glucosuria and hyperglycemia. Cumin also prevented changes in metabolism caused by decreased blood urea levels and urea and creatinine clearance. Cumin also lowers cholesterol, unsaturated fat, phospholipids, and tissue and plasma fat.
Antiplatelet activity
The ethereal combination of turmeric and cumin binds arachidonate which promotes whole platelets. These concentrations inhibited the production of thromboxane B2 by exogenous arachidonic corrosives.
Osteoprotective action
Cumin concentrate helps to improve the microarchitecture of the bones. It inhibits oophorectomy that favors bone loss without any effect of anabolics on the atrophic uterus of mice.