Introduction of Harrow
A Harrow is an agricultural tool for plowing and breaking the soil. It is different from what is cultivated because it cultivates land within the land. Also, it is the second planting tool that is used when farming.
The harrow tool breaks up the grains to make them smooth and soft. If you are going to prepare seeds, a harrow can help you achieve a smooth soil structure.
Besides that, the second function of this agricultural tool is to remove weeds and cover the planted seeds. And in this way, it is different from the cultivator. And the similarity between the Cultivator and the Harrow is that both can control weeds
Harrowing History
Weeding and harrowing became popular in the early 19th century as a way for farmers to till their land well before planting. However, discipline and cultivation have been mentioned in the Bible, making it one of the oldest agricultural practices. Farmers disturb their fields by dragging multi-branched tree branches back and forth across their land or by tying tree branches to horses’ tails.
However, this was tiring, and by the early 19th century, farmers were looking for easier ways to accomplish their goals. Also, the English parliament ruled it cruel to animals in 1600, forcing farmers to do it with their own hands or find a harmless solution.
The first industrial dress was a sharp king’s spear on the back of a horse or tractor. At that time, people called them “drags” because of this.
A famous model was the John Deere harrow which brought relief to the farmers. This farm is a great symbol for farmers, because many people believe that planting and planting in time is the key to successful farming and a good harvest.
Harrow works
These parts are the killers of the tool, which crush the earth’s mantle directly. There are three types in total: disk, tooth, rotary. In turn, depending on the type of soil being cultivated (loose, soft or hard), the type of input that works can also change. It can be fixed in a rigid way, watered or injected, measured or similar.

Disc Harrow
Its difference lies in the fact that the discs are fixed at one angle (called “attack angle”) in relation to the chassis, turning a little to work better. The direction of the “angle of attack” is determined by the smooth or visible surface.
The sharpness of the part is defined as the complexity of the soil and the condition of the soil. In addition, the disk can be equipped with special needles – they are good for weed management. A disk mounted on a parallel disk is called a “cluster”; for their better insertion into the soil, water or special heavy materials are used.
Tooth Harrow
This is a common tool that has an elementary process, but over time, it is not lost. Due to its popularity, this model will be discussed in detail.
It includes a piece of cloth or a square, and the stop of the teeth that connects. The teeth should be placed so that each of them can lead to a different furrow. The distance between the furrows is determined by agricultural needs and can range from 22 to 49 mm. To avoid closing the tool and clods of the earth, tines on the side in a row should be at least 15 cm from each other. Oval and round with rounded sides in the direction of travel, square with ribs, with a knife with a wide or narrow side (depending on the complexity of the soil planted). Square tines are often used in heavy motorcycle equipment, oval and round – in amateur cars, and those with a knife type are often used for hand damage.
The work of the tine tool works like dihedral wedges: together with the front part they separate pieces of soil, and at this time the back part crushes, stirs and mixes the soil particles, and destroy large lumps. Typically, dentures have solid frames.
The most effective is a tine with a knife type when working with a tractor that goes to the rear. The tines, which are located along the oblique cut in the direction opposite to the direction of movement, improved, since the vertical part of the reaction of the ground increases, so that the ground wants to push the tine itself.
With a tine tool, the soil is prepared to a depth of 3-12 cm, the diameter of the clods after their work will not exceed 5 cm, with a depth of 3-4 cm. They are too good for it. spring loosens the soil after the winter harvest: the top soil is properly prepared and dead plants are removed. The teeth are also great for raking grass, cutting sod, cutting and pulling molehills.
Rotary Harrow
Join the professional equipment class that is attached, used in walk-behind tractors and heavy farm machinery. Intended for work on virgin soil, removing the top layer of soil to a depth of 0.7 cm. It is good for planting grass, the first layer of soil.
A rotary tool is a frame with multiple toothed sprockets (spokes), which are placed together at right angles. The “angle of attack” (angle of penetration into the ground) is adjusted by welding the star.
The conversion tool works according to the following principles:
When you move the tractor in reverse, the star starts to move;
In this case, each ray of the star penetrates the soil by 2-3 cm, destroying the dry soil;
When the star system emerges from the ground, small holes form in the ground, allowing air to enter;
Then, the nitrogen that circulates in the air enters the middle layer of the fertile earth, thereby enriching it and absorbing it well. At the end of such treatment, a good place is created for the plants in which their root system will grow without obstacles. In addition, the soil will be available for water. Therefore, the rotary model is the best and most professional solution for agriculture.